#christian anarchy
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artofkhaos404 · 1 day ago
It may be punk to break the law, but here's your reminder that it's never punk to break traffic laws. People's kids are in those cars.
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yummytiger · 2 months ago
where my Christian Metalheads at?
I made a community for us on here :P
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nudeartpluspoetry · 1 year ago
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artofkhaos404 · 1 year ago
"If voting changed anything, they would make it illegal."
-Emma Goldman
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whereserpentswalk · 1 month ago
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Thing I made.
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artofkhaos404 · 2 months ago
Pacifism is not weakness, it is strength.
"Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." -Matthew 5:9
“We totally oppose all wars, all preparation for war, all use of weapons and coercion by force, and all military alliances: no end could ever justify such means. We equally and actively oppose all that leads to violence among people and nations, and violence to other species and to our planet. Refusal to fight with weapons is not surrender. We are not passive when threatened by the greedy, the cruel, the tyrant, the unjust. We will struggle to remove the causes of impasse and confrontation by every means of nonviolent resistance available. We urge all… to have the courage to face up to the mess humans are making of our world and to have the faith and diligence to cleanse it and restore the order intended by God. We must start with our own hearts and minds. Wars will stop only when each of us is convinced that war is never the way.”
— Quaker Faith and Practice 24.10 (via theinwardlight)
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mourntomidnight · 5 months ago
Here’s a cheat sheet:
“Population ‘collapse/decline’” = Not enough yt ppl
“Overpopulation” = Too many black/brown ppl
Keep this on hand when traversing the internet, you’d be surprised how often yt n*tionalists use both in the same sentence
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ashittyvlog · 11 months ago
I get really fucking pissed off when christians (I say christians because they're the ones who mostly say it, but this is for any motherfucker) who disrespect other religions. "It's just a joke!!!!" But when WE say something that's even a little contradictory to their religion they'll start fucking whining and bitching like some baby. If you want to disrespect others beliefs, fine, but don't get angry when we disrespect yours.
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artofkhaos404 · 11 months ago
I'm tired of rebellion only being acceptable if you rebel in a politically correct fashion.
I'm tired of hate speech being acceptable as long as it's directed at the "correct group."
I'm tired of watching the church bow down to deranged elitists and corrupt government.
I'm tired of truth being manipulated.
I'm tired of cancel culture being normalized.
I'm tired of intolerance being tolerated.
I'm tired of skin color being a factor in judging and loving others.
I'm tired of equality turning into revenge.
I'm tired of gender defining identity, expectations and capability.
I'm tired of the "kill all men" twisted doctrine.
I'm tired of misogyny and chauvinism.
I'm tired of the boxes and the stereotypes...
With no space allowed to exist in between.
Let's start a proper revolution.
A revolution of love.
A revolution of proud existence, proud resistance and total disregard to what is considered "acceptable."
A revolution they can't dictate. They can't profit from. They can't control.
A revolution they can't stick in boxes of left or right or central or up or down or sideways.
Anarchy in its purest form.
Reblog if you see through the political mind manipulation games of the modern world.
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artofkhaos404 · 11 months ago
Agreed. Pride flags shouldn't be in church for the same reason American flags shouldn't be in church. Anyone trying to pin their politics on my Jesus is missing the point of the Gospel entirely and is too caught up in worldly debates rather than the eternal Kingdom of God. Let's be real with ourselves; Jesus Christ would have been an ANARCHIST!!!
If I hear one more person telling me or any other Jesus loving, political rebel I know that it's their "Christian duty to vote right" I'm going to explode. And for that matter, if you're choosing to fly the American flag, or flag of ANY TYPE, over the Christian flag, you're commiting a blasphemous act. Happens way too often.
This shit goes all the way back to the Ten Commandments, people...
"Have no other gods before me."
I feel people miss the point of that commandment. When it says that, it doesn't just mean gods in Roman or Greek history. Anything can be your God: politics, sex, drugs, your country, your gender. Anything that you value over your faith is your God. Give it some thought. What flag do you fly above Christ's in your own life?
I’m sick of the American political machine and how it relates to Christianity today. I’m tired of Christ being wrapped up in culture war garbage. I’m over liberals insisting Jesus was some progressive lefty and conservatives claiming you’re going against the Bible by not voting for Republicans/refusing to worship at the altar of Donald Trump. I’m sick of lesbian priests and rainbow flags draped over churches and shaming towards married couples for not having 6+ kids and dunking on working moms. Where is any of this in the Bible? Where is God in all of this? How is participating in tribalism orchestrated by the Elites spreading the Gospel to the world? When did we start letting Fox News and random Twitter liberals dictate what “Christian values” look like?
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months ago
We on the left have to realize that someone saying that their god is real and divine but that your god/gods aren't real or aren't gods should be seen in the same light as someone saying their gender is real and valid but that your gender isn't real or is a disorder of some sort. It's hate speech and shouldn't be socially acceptable.
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month ago
The business Christians have just celebrated Christmas. To increase their profits and heighten the glory of God, they have exploited the Savior to good purpose. Splendid success of redemption! Christ gave his blood to enable the churches and department stores to do better business. If, on the right hand of the Heavenly Father, he does not swear and curse over this success to shock the very angels, his heart is a lamb’s indeed.
--Emma Goodman, New Year
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evpath · 3 months ago
Dude, I am sick of seeing Anarchist Blogs being Anti-Theistic. At one point I was an anti-theist, but now I realize that the problem isnt religion, the problem is the weaponization of religion by authority.
As an Athiest I believe that religion and spirituality are created by humans, and as such I see someones spiritual beliefs as a reflection of themself, their lives and their material conditions. Religion and spirituality are not whollistically bad.
Shoutout to Anti-State Jews
Shoutout to Anti-State Christians
Shoutout to Anti-State Muslims
Shoutout to Anti-State Pagans
Shoutout to Indiginous peoples and their faiths
Shoutout to Anti-State agnostic people
Shoutout to Anti-State Hindus
Shoutout to Anti-State Buddhists
Shoutout to Anti-State Dytheists
Shoutout to Anti-State religious and spiritual people of all faiths!!
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artofkhaos404 · 1 year ago
This should not stop us or scare us.
This should not make us take down our flags, retire our symbols and paint over the patches on our jackets. That's how the fascists want us to react.
This should INSPIRE US.
They are afraid of us. And if they're afraid of us, we have to be doing something right.
Be aware, but do not be silent. Let's make sure as many of our people see this as possible, because we all have to be aware and conscious and safe.
Reblog the crap out of this post. Please, even if you're not an Anarchist yourself, but are a supporter or a punk or have friends who are Anarchists, hit reblog.
I guess I'm a terrorist now. Have an opinion they don't like? Watch them hunt you down. Make you the enemy. Take you out.
Jesus, come get us. I'm ready to go home.
I’ve only seen like one person talk about this and it’s super important that this gets out there
Multiple punk symbols and sayings have been added to the FBI’s domestic terrorism guide
Things included are
The symbol for anarchy
ACAB and 1312
The three arrows pointing down in a circle
Eat the rich
Those are a few but it also mentions anything anti-fascist and anti capitalist
So if you live in the US please be careful
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cat-the-cabra-preta · 1 month ago
Y'all, Christspiracy is available to watch for free!!! I've already watched it and it is AMAZING!!
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gd-rd-me-of-gd · 3 months ago
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@/aalekiaa: "What do u mean by il n'y a pas de rapport sexuel"
@/gd_rd_me_of_gd: "It's a quote from Jacques Lacan, which translates to "there is no sexual relation." In Lacanian psychoanalysis, this formula basically mean that recognition is always just out of reach."
@/aalekiaa: "I speak french but i don't understand like why is recognition always out of reach? I need to read his stuff lol"
@/gd_rd_me_of_gd: "oh i see, it has to do with his pessimistic reading of unconscious processes. Like it kind of in the context of this post is something im using to say “we are each alone in our experience of the world” and there is no total merging between two people. But he would extend the formula many topics, including the always-impossible attainment of any object of our desire, because he believed desire in itself springs from an unfillable anoriginal lack that we nevertheless try and fail to fill. For example, he talked about how in terms of gender identity, totally being any one gender is actually impossible for humans. He also says that many peope seeking a world without masters and domination fail to recognize the reality that revolution is a constant process, not a linear one-and -done. He even extends this sense of perpetual misrecognition to self-recognition, saying that is all begins in a moment in childhood when we realize that the ‘me’ i see in the mirror is not me but a reflection of something i can never actually see (and similarly with the perpetual inadequacy of self-concept—i can never fully be my own idea of myself because all language at least partially fails to translate reality). Like i said, pessimistic and humbling! In my work as a theologian, im trying to sometimes incorporate his insights in the style of Zizek because i very much feel the inadequacy of theological language. But i also really like thinking about i and thou relationships in the style of martin buber, and i think there’s ways to draw out whats on this slide more eloquently eventually."
@/aalekiaa: "oh my god thank you so much for this detailed explanation!! I just got "the object relation" and i think i wanna incorporate some of those ideas in my dissertation on identity after psychiatric trauma. Do u have any other reading recommendations in that vein?? Thank u again so much and i love ur substack xx"
@/gd_rd_me_of_gd: "aww thank you! I vibe with the book The Monstrosity of Christ as an interesting discussion starter, and a feminist take on specifically artworking-through trauma is Bracha Ettinger's work in the book Matrixial Subjectivity, Aesthetics, Ethics."
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